Thursday, July 30, 2015

Mini Drugstore Haul

What happens in Target...

Why, hello there! This week has been a busy week for me and things needed to get done.. including a trip to Target. No matter how many times you tell yourself you're just going in for the bare necessities and that you'll be in and out in 15 minutes tops, you find yourself there for about an hour (or more, let's get real) and with a bunch of crap in your cart that you don't need. I can't be the only one, right? Right. If you say I am, you're lying to yourself (shame on you). So today, I thought I'd briefly share some of the beauty goodies I picked up. Let's get juicy!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Review: Simple Cleansing Micellar Water

To Buy Or Not To Buy

This product has been buzzing around the beauty community and one of my favorite beauty bloggers/vloggers talked about it, so of course I went out and purchased it for myself to see if it was as amazing as she talked about in her video (the amount of trust I put into these people that I've never met is insane, I know). This said product is... the Simple Cleansing Micellar Water.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Face of the Day

So today, this is what my face looked like, cute isn't it? Just kidding. I wish I could say I woke up like this, but alas my friends, this took some effort.

I decided to stick to something that's fairly simple, but still makes me look alive and ready to take on the life of retail (insert daunting music here).  I've been really gravitating towards warmer red tones on my eyes because I find that it compliments me well--it could totally not, but that's just my personal opinion--and just bronzing up my face because I'm quite pasty looking and I want to look like I've been frolicking around in the sun when I've basically been inside ALL DAY. Alright, enough chit chat... let's get juicy. ;)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Being comfortable in your own skin is a lot harder than it sounds. Why? Because all of us have insecurities; no matter how big or small they may be. Many people are shamed on a daily basis because they're not perfect, but in reality, is perfection even real? This answer shouldn't require much thought because, it's not. Let me emphasize--Perfection does not exist. Not unless you're Beyonce.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Miscellaneous Monday: Blogger Crush of the Month

Hello October

For today's post, I thought I would share a blog that I've been obsessed with for the past couple of weeks or so--okay, maybe months, but we don't judge here, right? Right. Not only is this blogger simply amazing, but she will now hold a special place in my heart (super sappy, I know). Suzie from Hello October actually inspired me and made me grow a pair of lady balls and start blogging (video that inspired me down below).

Friday, July 10, 2015

Welcome to Juicy Insights

What's hip-happenin'?! My name is Tanya and I'm a 20 year old beauty enthusiast from Caaaaaalifornia (don't you know that we know how to party?).

First and foremost, let me just explain the name of my blog, Juicy Insights. Obviously it sounds a little, and by a little I mean really weird (we've already established things will get weird here), but Juicy stems from my sister's nickname for me, Juice. Ta-da! Now to explain the Insight aspect.. I started Juicy Insights to talk about my love for makeup. I think makeup is an amazing thing that so many people can relate to and appreciate, so I decided to take a step in the fun and colorful direction. My goal is to gain and give insight in regards to makeup, and to most importantly, HAVE FUN! 

I hope whoever takes the time to read this thoroughly enjoys it and shares my obsession. Now that that's out in the open, let's get loosey Juicy! ;)